Programs We Offer

The Gift Of Penmanship

The Gift Of Penmanship

Here at The Right Penmanship, Inc. we believe that, “One book can change a child’s life.” We ongoingly provide learning materials such as: handwriting, reading fundamental books, and various educational materials to students abroad and in the USA who are underprivileged. By the third grade, a child should not only know how to write their name in print, but also in cursive; however, this is a skill that many students lack by the time they approach the third grade. No child should go throughout life not knowing how to write their names in print or in cursive. Statistics show that this is a standard that is often missed by so many students; therefore, we would like your support in giving the gift of penmanship. Once we provide students materials to learn how to write effectively and efficiently, this promotes their self- esteem and confidence making them career and even college ready.

The skills of penmanship allows a child to be able to obtain written communication skills; thus, building stronger people and stronger communities. This program is veered towards elementary school students. Because writing is a life changing experience, we value a child’s ability to write with high regards.

I Have a Story Too!

I Have a Story Too!

Students from various backgrounds such as those who are challenged with autism, sickle- cell surviving children, blind, cancer survivors, a handicap or any type of illness should have an opportunity to share their story. The Right Penmanship, Inc. supports children of marginal health backgrounds to be able to share and tell their story. Because of illness, these children would not otherwise have the opportunity to share their experiences as published authors with the world.

Through generous donations, The Right Penmanship, Inc. services our community local and afar with each step necessary to create (write), design and publish a book. The Right Penmanship, Inc. services also includes marketing of the book, and some books even become scripts for television through our screenwriting services.

The Right Penmanship, Inc. places a smile on the faces of many children who have lived with a handicap, autism, sickle- cell, blind, cancer, or any type of terminal illness by connecting them with our Literary Agents who assist with sharing their story!

The Right Penmanship, Inc. supports persons of marginal backgrounds who have spent any time in foster care, suffered a terminal illness or have been incarcerated. Because of given circumstances, our clients would not otherwise have the opportunity to share their experiences as published authors with the world.

The Right Penmanship, Inc. desires to make our community and world better by giving a second chance. Our services also include marketing of the book, and some books even become scripts for television through our screenwriting services. Through generous donations, The Right Penmanship, Inc. gives a second chance to persons of marginal backgrounds who have spent any time in foster care, suffered a terminal illness or have been incarcerated.

Greet A Kid

Being hospitalized especially for a continuous amount of time is not an experience. This experience is hard for an adult, and more so it is hard for a child. Children suffer each day being placed in and out of the hospital, and sometimes for an extensive amount of times. The Right Penmanship, Inc. is a beacon of light to many children who suffer from illnesses. We donates customized greeting cards to children who are hospitalized.

While the gesture is small, to many families, this small gesture brings them a big smile. We donate greeting cards to children who may be diagnosed with terminal and non-terminal illnesses. Through generous donations, The Right Penmanship, Inc. provides greeting cards to children from all walks of life bringing smiles of laughter and hope as they are currently or have been hospitalized. It is our goal to keep bringing smiles to others.

Our fundraiser is ongoing. Each quarter of the year, we use proceeds to create and deliver greeting cards to the most amazing children! We have provided samples of how these cards look.

Great A kid
General Education Development Assistance

General Education Development Assistance

Going through life without a diploma is a challenge for anyone. The cost of living continues to increase, and not having a high school diploma may result in many lost opportunities over the period of one’s lifetime. Here, at The Right Penmanship, Inc. we strive to provide an education to adults who need it the most. We offer virtual G.E.D. preparation courses.

Our virtual preparation services cover each subject on the test. This fundraiser is ongoing. Based on proceeds to this project, we are available to offer sessions using an eight- week curriculum. Our live tutors are available January through April, and August through December of each calendar year.